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Covid-19 Information

Cozy Library's response to Covid-19 is as follows:

- Shipping takes place only once a week; typically between Monday-Wednesday. This is to ensure that there is limited contact with others. 

EXPECT DELAYS. Due to the influx of online orders being bought, made and sent around the globe, mailing services around the world are working as hard as they can given the restrictions that are placed upon your local mail centres. 

Expect major delays in standard shipping during this time and with expedited, Xpress or Priority shipping. Canada Post can no longer guarantee regular or on-time shipping time estimates given with the current global situation as they accommodate the increased service demands with mail and parcel delivery of Christmas-level volumes of mail and limited staff. 

Please read the latest COVID-19 service updates from Canada Post.

Here at Cozy Library we are proud to say that we ensure to wash our hands and use sanitizer before, during, and after, your product is being made. As well as it's being packaged, and sent. 

A huge thank you from Cozy Library to you in advanced for your patience.  

If you have any other questions please email us at